Model Papers

Telanagna University Degree 1st year BSc Model Papers

Telangana University Degree 1st year BSc Model Papers

Here we are present degree BSc computer science model papers.the paper is previously given papers in Telangana university.we are present short answers 10×2=20 and long answers 5×12=60

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Degree BSc Model paper 1st year 2015

degree model papers,bsc model papers,telangan university model papers

Section A questions 10×2=20

1)recycle bin

2)define computer

3)undo vs redo

4)replacing text

5)from wizard

6)what is a record?

7)what is a global variable

8)page setup in excel

9)bit operators in C language

10)what is a pointer


Degree BSc Model paper 1st year

Section B questions 5×12=60

(a)write about DOS external commands

(b)write about output devices


(c)write about input Devices

(d)Explain the different types of operating systems

3.(a)write about the parts of word window.

(a)write about the parts of word window.

(b)write about mail merge.


(c)explain the different views in power point.

(d)write about transition and build effects in powerpoint.


(a)explain the date and time function in excel.

(b)explain the types of charts in excel.


(c)write about sorting and queries in MS-access.

(d)explain the process of creating a table with data types in Ms-access


(a)explain the looping statements in “C” language, with syntax and examples

(b)what is an array ?explain the types of arrays


(c)write a “C” program to find the Factorial of a number using recursive function

(d)explain the types of operators in C language


(a)write about enumerated data types

(b)how is structure different from union ?explain


(c)Explain the input and output operations with files in “C”language

(d)explain array of structure.give examples


this is the given question in previous year BSc computer science in Telangana university.

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