The last date for payment of examination fee and submission of application forms for PDC/B.A.(L) course(s) of I, II & III year Supplementary Examinations to be held in November 2015 is as follows:-
i) Without Late Fee : 16.10.2015
ii) With a Late fee of Rs.100/- : 19.10.2015
Examination fee Particulars (Including memo of marks)
1Pre-Degree Course for all papers I & II year Rs.470/- + 50/- for Memo
Pre-Degree Course for one or two papers Rs.365/- + 50/- for Memo
B.A. (Language) for all papers I, II & III year Rs.405/- + 50/- for Memo
B.A. (Language) for one or two papers Rs.280/- + 50/- for Memo
1. The exact date of commencement of the Examinations and detailed time table will be notified later.
2. The Examination application forms of ALL students are to submitted online through college login. Also, hardcopy of the same may be downloaded and submitted to the Examination Branch duly signed by the student and the Principal concerned along with photocopy of Memo (of Previous memo).
3. Candidates who have applied for revaluation also have to pay the examination fee as per the above scheduled without waiting for the results of revaluation.
4. The Principal of the concerned college under the jurisdiction of Telangana University, Nizamabad is requested to:
a) Inform all the concerned candidates that the payment of examination fee & submission of application forms will not be entertained after the due date under any circumstances. The Examination fee once paid by the candidate will not be refunded or adjusted.
b) Not to collect the exam fee from Blind, Physically disabled, Deaf & Dumb students. A Xerox copy of Medical Certificate confirming their status as Handicapped (minimum percentage of disability must be of 40%) must be attached to the application forms. Blind, physically disabled, Deaf & Dumb students application forms should be submitted separately alongwith separate Nominal Roll.
c) Instruct the students to enclose the Xerox copies of Memorandum of marks to verify the eligibility.(duly attested by the Principal concerned)
d) Allot new Hall Ticket number of concerned batch and to the candidates transferred from the other Universities and to enclose the TU Admission/Permission orders on transfer, memorandum of marks, migration certificate of the parent University
5. a) As a part of the CORE BANKING SYSTEM, all the students are hereby
instructed to deposit Examination fee into their respective College Principal’s Accounts only (Students are advised not to obtain the DD in favour of the Registrar / Controller of Examinations, Telangana University, Dichpally, Nizamabad.)
b) The College Principalis requested to deposit (credit) the consolidated Examination fee amount into the Registrar, Examinations Account (A/c. No.31079102875) SBI, Telangana University Branch or in any Branch of State Bank of India and obtain a receipt from the bank and submit the same to the Examination Branch, T.U. along with application forms.
c) Collect the Examination fee as per the enclosed schedule from the candidates at the college and remit consolidated amount of PDC/B.A.(L) to the Registrar Exam Fee account on the dates given below and obtain the receipts from the bank.
i) Consolidated receipt without late fee on 17.10.2015
ii) Consolidated receipt with late fee on 20.10.2015
6. I) Nominal Rolls: One hard copy of nominal rolls (consolidated list of candidates) generated using the Students Online Information System after due verification by the Principal and I & II year Nominal Roll signed by the Director, Directorate of Academic Audit, T.U.
II) Subject-wise Data of registered candidates in the prescribed proforma, which
must match with that of the applications submitted.
III) Affiliation orders Issued to the college for the Academic year 2013-14 &
2014-15 for the various courses for which Examination forms are submitted.
IV) No Dues Certificate from the Director, Directorate of Academic Audit, TU.
V) Fees Abstract to be submitted to the Examination Branch TU.
7. Application forms with all the above requirements should reach the Examination Branch TU, on or before 20th October 2015. A penal fee @Rs.500/- per faculty will be collected per day from the college on applications received after 20th October 2015.
Principal of the Oriental college is requested to submit the application forms at the earliest possible date without waiting for the cutoff date and furnish the details in the given proforma.
telangana university pdc exam fee last date, telangana university pdc and bal exam fee last date, last date of pdc and bal telangana university, telangana university pdc and bal exam fee last date notification, tu notifications,
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