Telangana University Advanced Supplementary And Backlog Results 2016
The Telangana University has released the regular degree exam results that was conducted in the month of March, and they immediately started the supplementary exams for those who are got negative results in the regular exams .these supplementary exams were closed on 11th July.The paper correction was going very faster in the university.This year pass percentage was decreased compared to previous year results.The Telangana University Registrar limbadri was said that to the lecturers are do the paper correction with out any mistakes.the university has been correcting the papers from the end of supplementary exams.they are trying to stop the errors while releasing the results.The limbadri sir was said we are trying to solve the problems of the MBA and other courses students in the time of counseling. We are trying to release the supplementary results like regular can check your results in the main site of Telangana University.This year regular exam attendance percentage is decreased.from that percentage 1400+members are paid the fee for revaluation and recounting.From them, only 300+members are passed.we are conducting the fees for revolution of supplementary exams like regular can pay the money after releasing the results of supplementary. We will announce the dates about that.
Check TU degree Time Table
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Check Telangana University Supplementary Results
The Telangana University was released one app before releasing the regular exams.The students are faced lot of problems they could not understand the process of this app.If you know the process, that is how to use this app then you can easily check your results by this app.if you are unable to use this app you can check your results by normal process by going through Telangana university Official Web Site.
When Telangana University Supply Results Date
The University was released the results of degree and reguler very late in the previous this problem the final year, students were faced lot of problems.So we are trying to do not repeat that question again in this year.we are going to release the results of supplementary in the Month of AUGUST.the paper corection was going very fast in the students will not go to troubles of students!dont confuse about your results and dont worry about that we will announce your results as soon as possible. the above words are said br Telangana University registrar limbadri.
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